Manipulate a docker image and launch a notebook


In a nutshell:

docker build -t imagename:local -f Dockerfile ./
docker run --rm -it imagename:local /bin/bash
docker push dockerhubname
VERSION=`git tag -l |sort -V | tail -1 | sed 's/v//'`
docker tag dockerhubname dockerhubname:$(VERSION)
docker push dockerhubname:$(VERSION)

Checkout docker image from repo to test it

$ docker build -t imagename:local ./
$ docker run --rm -it imagename:local  /bin/bash

root@6efdfbae85a8:/# Then in another terminal: docker cp $HOME/path/to/project 6efdfbae85a8:/root/project to get the project inside for testing.

Docker build

docker build -t hello-world:1.0 .

Run image

docker run -p 8080:80 --name hello -d hello-world:1.0

Tag image

docker tag hello-world user/hello-world

Push image to docker hub

docker push <Your Docker ID>/hello-world

Pull image to docker hub

docker pull user/hello-world

See existing images

docker images

See what is running

docker ps
docker ps -a # show images, even ones stopped

Start docker process

docker start <container NAME> # from `docker ps -a`

Stop and remove image

# Stop docker container from running
docker stop <container NAME>
# removes from both `docker ps` and `docker ps -a`
docker rm <container NAME>

# Replace above with
docker rm -f <container NAME>

Docker logs

docker logs -f <container NAME> # -f to follow and listen


Clean your environment

# running processes
docker ps -a
docker stop <CONTAINER ID>
docker rm <CONTAINER ID>

# Clean open images
docker images
docker rmi <IMAGE ID or REPOSITORY>

# Prune system to close all communication
docker system prune -f

Show the history of a docker image

docker images # get <IMAGE ID>
docker history --no-trunc <IMAGE ID> # without runcation

Build docker image

docker build -f Dockerfile -t othrif:mytest .
docker run -p 5000:5000 othrif:mytest 
# Let your local host recognize the server
sudo emacs /private/etc/hosts
# add the notebok address from running the line "The Jupyter Notebook is running at:http://XXXXXX:5000/"
# by adding `XXXXXX` to `	localhost XXXXXX`

Run interactively

docker ps -a # get <IMAGE> and <CONTAINER ID>
docker run -d -it -p 8000:8080 <IMAGE> /usr/bin/top # <IMAGE>=othrif:mytest
docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash

Alternatively run interactively and remove image after exit

docker run --rm -it <IMAGE> /bin/bash

Start Docker deamon

docker-machine start
docker-machine env
eval $(docker-machine env)

Docker compose

Build and run app

docker-compose up -d

Stop app

docker-compose down



version: "3.8"
    build: .
      - "5000:5000"
    image: "redis:alpine"