Playing sound from linux server in client MacOS

There are two configurations that needs to setup:

Client side - MacOS

  • Install PulseAudio with brew: brew install pulseaudio
  • Configure a listening daemon to receive the audio from the remote machine:
pulseaudio --load=module-native-protocol-tcp --exit-idle-time=-1 --daemon
# alias: pulse
  • PulseAudio will listen on port 4713, double check with lsof -i -P | grep -i "listen"
  • Connect to server with Reverst Port Tunnel: ssh -pXX -R 24713:localhost:4713 server, where 24713 is arbitrary
  • Copy the PulseAudio cookie to the server:
scp ~/.config/pulse/cookie server:~/.config/pulse/cookie

** Alternatively, add a default configuration to authenticate based on IP: load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl=;clien/port in /etc/pulse/

Diagnose what devices available

pulseaudio --load=module-native-protocol-tcp --exit-idle-time=-1 --daemon
pacmd list-sources

Server side - Linux

  • Install PulseAudio: apt-get install pulseaudio
  • PusleAudio send to the chosen port: export PULSE_SERVER="tcp:localhost:24713"
  • Check that your client is listening: pactl info
  • Test audio is working: play file.wav

More help